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Blurb of the Day

Blurbs of the Day are theories, things that annoy me, or facts that I think may be of interest. If you have a Blurb topic you'd like to see, email me, or sign the guestbook.

September 17, 2000

What is the difference between a book and a novel?
Pure length?

If the difference is length, then whats the difference between a short story and a book?
Where do you draw the line?

Or maybe there is no difference?
But then why would there be two words?

Now that I think about, maybe it's like film and movie...

I have it. Its a plot to confuse us. "They" want to make themselves sound smarter by using more technical, well not really technical, more like offical sounding, words.

June 21, 2000

"What time are you coming over to study?"

"I'm waiting for my sister to get here."
"Oh. What color is her car?"
"Blue-ish green"

First problem. "10-ish" is not very specific. That can be anywhere btw 9:45 and 10:30. Unlike "around 10", which is 9:50 - 10:10.

Second problem. I have no idea what you consider "blue-ish green". Do you mean teal? Is this a dark blue-ish green, or a light blue-ish green? Is there more blue than green, or green than blue?

"-ish", my least favorite suffix.

June 20, 2000

What IS an essay?

By Skoot, of You Have Reached Skoot, and Elora, of Elora's World

Skoot: the teacher criticizes me for writing "familiarly"
Elora: criticizes?
Skoot: yeah
Elora: "no no. you must be more aloof. write coldly"
Skoot: it was supposed to be a formal essay
Elora: lol thats a joke
Skoot: yea i kno...
Skoot: lol
Elora: "formal essay"
Elora: what the IS an essay anyway?
Skoot: u dont know?
Elora: "oh yes. i'm going to go read an essay now."
Skoot: lol
Skoot: i am bored....o look an essay! how interesting
Skoot: my favorite essay is.....
Elora: "i'll really learn something about the inter-colonial wars now!"
Skoot: lol
Elora: "yes, essays, what a delightful way to learn!"
Elora: i mean, come on, give us a break here
Elora: They already know the answer, why i have to write an essay on the causes of the fall of Rome?
Elora: aren't you supposed to know?
Skoot: maybe to prove that you know
Skoot: or bore the teacher
Elora: or teach the teacher
Elora: who needs college? i've got students!
Skoot: then again WHY would the teacher WANT to be bored by 89 essays on the fall of rome
Skoot: lol
Elora: "hmm...this is pretty good...*writes stuff down*..hmm great metaphor..."
Skoot: lol
Elora: and no no....the best is the question where they ask you which choice is NOT true
Skoot: lol
Elora: i mean, y would you want me to give you the WRONG answer?
Elora: doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Elora: quick! what's not the capital of Bolivia?
Skoot: Panama?
Skoot: lol
Elora: lol
Elora: i mean, you study and study
Elora: and then get points off b/c you can't pick out the WRONG answer. imagine that
Skoot: lol
Elora: or..which one is more right than the other?
Elora: okay, now you want me to analize this garbage?
Skoot: lol
Skoot: analytical thinking is not my strong point
Elora: hmm well this is true, but this is more important...but only to the people in europe...
Skoot: its like...right...wrong...wrong...right...NO THEY DID IT AGAIN
Elora: LOL

June 18, 2000

Hey, ever wonder about the power of suggestion? Well, let's give it a little try. Wouldn't it be cool to jump off a roof and be able to fly? Nope. That's just plain ridiculous. Did that inspire you to give it a try? No.


Contagious Internet Yawns
Did you yawn?



Did you yawn? Are Internet Yawns contagious? Sometimes, they are. Why is that? The power of suggestion? But I thought that we proved it doesn't work? *raises an eyebrow* Depends, I guess.

June 11, 2000

It's hot. I'm tired. I have Regents to worry about. I'm dissatified with my previous Blurbs. So, welcome to a new age of Blurbs. I promise quality, thought provoking Blurbs from now on. *smirks* Or at least amusing. So, have a look around. Write me and tell me what you think. But, above all, sign the guest book.

Today's topic is statistics. Actually, to be more precise, the value of statistics to most people. Or not even most people. The value of statistics to me. After all, it is MY site.

First of all, I'll start off with an example. Of how statistics have affected my life. Well, perhaps affect is a strong word. And maybe it didn't affect my life. But it made me extremely nervous. Those statistics have some nerve.

The scene: The night before I have to get on a plane to go to Florida. Watching 20/20. A report on planes. A bad report on planes. The night before I have to get on a plane to go to Florida.

Now, did those statistics help me, I ask you. Not really. Did I still go on the plane? Yes. Why? Because it was too late to do anything about it. That, plus the fact that I wanted to go. But they educated me. Enough to save lives. Enough to force businesses to change. Enough to make me nervous. Am I being selfish? Absolutely. But hear me out.

Could they have ended with an optimistic note? ABSOLUTELY. Perhaps it wouldn't be completely true, but just a sentence or two, to assure the public that plane travel is generally safe. Enough so that those of us who were scheduled to fly on a plane in the near future could get some sleep. Any sleep. A little bit of sleep.

There you have it folks. Statistics. Are they helpful? Yes. Are they useful? Yes. Do they save lives? Yes. But did they make me nervous? Yes. And that was the point of my Blurb. Ta ta! And see you next week!

May 24, 2000

Hi! *hides in box* *peeks out* *clears throat* Err, I, Ummm, How to say...Willow is back! lol. I've decided there is sooo much more that I have to cover. Anyway, that said and done, on with the Blurb!

Today's wonderful Blurb topic is...Regents! For those of you outside good ol' NY who may be confuse-ed, be thankful. Regents to put this nicely...giant state tests that we have to take and pass each year to get credit for certain classes. ONLY NY has them, folks. (Or maybe one other state does. Yea, I think thats it. Hawaii? CA? I dunno. If YOU know, feel free to send the answer to Elora's World will post your answer on the site.)

Anyway, back to these Regents. This year I have to take two. Last year I had to take two. And I'm about to go insane! All year, you focus on what? REGENTS! And do they really matter if you go to college out of state? NOPE, not really. *throws up her hands in frustration*

My buddies in Conn, are probably laughing at me. I would be too. *grinz*

To be entirely correct, you need to pass 2 for science, and 3 for math. Along with Foreign Language, Global Studies, etc. But you have the option to take more. Cos they look better on college applications. *raises an eyebrow* NEW YORK college applications, that is.

I can picture it now. Some old, mean, bitter person on some National Education Board, laughing as he add yet ANOTHER test to our schedule. Last year there was the ELS and Math exam for 8th and 4th graders. Thats not the main problem, either. Those in the 8th grade taking a HIGH SCHOOL math class, had to take the EIGHTH GRADE TEST!! Ummm, hello, if they didn't know 8th grade math, they wouldn't be taking it! And for all you geniuses who are about to explain to me how they need the scores for statistical purposes, thanks, but you don't need to. I kno about the STATISTICS. Statistics or no, it isn't fair.

With notes, tests, homework, regular finals, and Regents, building our stress level sky high - why not add some more tests? yes, *evil grin* why not? lol. And let's throw more books to read, and papers to write. Actrually, they did that last year.

*sighs, and then relents, and grinz* Oh, what's the big deal? Not much, but I'm in a dramatic mood. This is certainly not your usual, amusing, lighthearted Blurb, but I'm stressed today. Had Nyssma yesterday, an Honor Roll thing tonight, a concert tomorrow, and a Memorial Day parade on Mon. Well, I'll see you next time! Until then, buh-byeee!

April 10, 2000

Greetings! It's been awhile since my last Blurb, and for that you have my apologies. I'm sure you've noticed the change in the site's appearance. This is only the beginning! I am looking for a more "fantasy" feel, and anyone who would like to send suggestions is welcome!!! *clears throat* Only...NO SUGGESTIONS PERTAINING TO JAPAN!!! *g* There, now THAT's taken care of, Chibi.

I'm also pretty sure you've heard the news of the Willow wrap-up. Unless...*glares at visitor* you decided not to read it. Now, don't get me wrong, I still LUV Willow, I've just discovered other movies that I enjoy more. Like Braveheart, or The Matrix. Personally, I think the sequels to that won't be very good, but...okay, I'll save that for another Blurb. ANYWAY, getting back on track, I will do my best to finish the sections I have, (and the transcript is an ongoing project) but in about a week or so, the Willow segment will be over.

*shrugs* Sorry, folks, but that's the way it is. I will most likely pick it up again, in fact it's almost a given, but the main focus of this site is QUALITY FANTASY. I encourage all of you *death stare* yes, ALL of you, to come back soon, and see the newly designed Elora's World!! Ta Ta!!

February 18, 2000

Hola! Welcome to yet another insightful Blurb. If you've been here before, you know the drill. If not, get ready to plunge into another 3 minutes of insanity. Now, take a deep breath...


*g* No, I'm not talking to a year. FLY Y2K is the abbreviation for...*gasp*...February Leap Year 2000! *faints*

My friends think this is crazy, except Kelly who has the same thing with March and wisely chooses not to comment. So, I have turned you, you poor unsuspecting visitors. *maniacal laugh* I invite you to decide for yourself.

Let me begin with February. Around Valentine's Day *gags* *chokes* *coughs* people get unusually strange. C'mon, you all know what I mean. Personally, I blame the media. (don't we all? *g*)I shall now move on to the Leap Year part.

This year, and every 4 years except for this one thing that has to do with the century (which I forget), there are 29 days in February further messing up the already tilted balance. And for those born on the 1st or 28th, it's even worse. You have my sympathy b/c I am one of you. Let us move on to my next point.

The year 2000. All of the digits have changed, though the new century is NEXT year (but that's another topic already too overdone) completely off-setting the balance yet again. Did I mention I'm disappointed? All the TV commercials said that we could go to MARS or something like that by now. *sniffle* How disappointing. *sigh* And now for my closing arguments...

No, this is NOT scientifically or astrologically accurate. Just seems to me it all makes sense, especially since bad things have been happening all month, and El Nino is no longer there for me to blame. One last thing before I go. It snowed on the very day we left for vacation, just as it was getting warmer! I have one word for you...FLY Y2K!!!

January 2, 2000

Hello all! This is my second Blurb of the Day, also the first Blurb of the Day of the year 2000! Notice that I did not say the new millenium, because, of course, that doesn't begin until the year 2001. But, is that really all that important? No, I didn't think so either.

I've decided on what to do a blurb about. So, get ready...

MICE! *stands with hands on hips while visitors laugh* Yes, mice! Those cute, annoyingly adaptive little creatures. (I always liked little white mice, don't ask me why)

Mice, as most of us know, is the plural of mouse. Doesn't that seem a little strange to you? Most things you add an "s" to. (house, houses) But, nooooo, it's not mouses.

How about goose, geese? It's not mouse, meese. about the infamous oxen - it's not mousen.

Or even moose, moose. It's not mouse, mouse.


You may think that I am done with this less than inspired blurb. HA! (in the words of my friend Sid)

Here's where the REAL Blurb begins!
Mice are cute. Especially little white mice. *sigh* I love them. *blinks* Oh, sorry. Got off track. People do set mouse traps for them, and jump on chairs (which is really funny. What are they going to do? Bite your leg and maim you for life?)And, yes, they are pests. But, they are not HATED. Which brings me to my next point.

Rats most definitely(sp?) are HATED. They are associated with death and disease, and rightfully so. But, really - what is the big difference between a rat and a mouse? Which brings me to my next point.

Squirrels are veeery cute. "Scary too!", interrupts my friends Kelly. Ok, ok. But, back to the point. People don't HATE them. They're cute. But, really - what's the big difference between them and rats and mice? Also, baby squirrels - people like them. BUT BABY SQUIRRELS LOOK LIKE HAIRLESS RATS!!!What gives here?

I have come to the conclusion, through this blurb, that the human population is pretty messed up. Myself included, of course. After all, I'm the one that devoted a whole blurb to it!!! *glares at laughing visitor.* Hey! It's myyyyy page! And who forced you to read it? *shakes head* Ah, you're just as odd as I am. Btw, Come back soon for another blurb!!!

December 18, 1999

It is a time of dread...
See those three dots at the end of the sentence?
*waits patiently while visitor checks back to sentence*
Those three dots have a name! They are called an ELIPSE. All this time, I've been saying "dot dot dot". Which means... (notice the elipse)

four dots = dotted elipse
five dots = double dotted elipse
six dots = double elipse
seven dots = dotted double elipse
eight dots = double dotted double elipse
nine dots = triple elipse
ten dots = dotted triple elipse
eleven dots = double dotted triple elipse
twelve dots = quadruple elipse
thirteen dots = dotted quadruple elipse

So, now you've learned something. I hope that you have enjoyed this little blurb of the day!